Thursday, November 20, 2008

Aidan's Growing Vocabulary

"pees nawer one"- Please, another one (this is said for just plain old "please", too.)
"gay-goo"- Thank you
"ride"- anything car related. The movie, a car, a truck, or just anything with wheels.
"Beep Beep"- a school bus or big truck or big tractor
"moo"- Cow
"moo"- Moon. Can't you tell the difference? We can.
"Ni-Ni"- Nap time or bedtime
"awol"- "Oswald", his favorite show on TV.
"Nemo"- the movie
"apple"- The fruit, or anything red and round
"Ee-ow"- Kitty cat
"Doggy"- doggy
"anawer one?"- when he wants to watch a second episode of "awol" or hear the next song on the iPod.
"Numanum"- usually milk (Pediasure), but could be anything he thinks is tasty. Or even food in general.
"Daddy Ride"- when Daddy goes to work.
"Be-Bo"- Belly Button
"On"- usually when he wants something off, like shoes, but could mean off or on.
"Keys"- keys
"Book"- book
"Pen"- pen
"Ming- Ming"- anything yellow. There is a show he used to watch called "Wonder Pets", and Ming Ming is the yellow duck.
"Hot"- when Mom opens the oven
"Mom"- projected LOUDLY when he wants my attention.

... this list is not exhaustive, but quite a few of the cute ones. He is a verbal little man, and we are having fun with him more and more now that he can communicate better what he wants and needs.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Just Being Aidan

I don't think he's too worried about the State of the Union, what do you think?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

We Love Halloween

Grandma and Grandpa Traxler and all the Grandkids
Our little Fam

Chloe and Aidan had a lot of fun getting candy from people.

What a cute little Chicken Booty

This is what they were doing before we left for Trick or Treating.