Friday, January 30, 2009

New Friends

And... one for the baby book.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Plant

This plant blooms like once a year, so I thought I'd share it's beauty with you. I guess it's an early spring for this little guy.

Our Silly Boy

Some friends came over for dinner, and Aidan LOVES their teenage son, Christian. They were playing a game on the computer and laughing.

Wearing Daddy's shirt

I was in the other room and I thought Aidan was playing with his kitchen, but it was so quiet I thought I would see what was going on.

Silly Boy.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Our New President

Me: (Pointing at the TV during the Innagural Address) "Aidan, who is that?"

Aidan: "O' Mama!"

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Aidan's 2nd Birthday

For Aidan's birthday we took him to a place called boston Alley. It is a local business that has gym equipment, a giant trampoline, rings you can swing on, a ball pit, and lots of crash mats for little ones to jump and crash on. We have taken Aidan to a couple of gym classes there before and were excited when we could have his birthday there. He loves it! And admittedly, I think it is pretty fum myself. So Aidan had about 11 little friends, including Chloe and Eliot and all there Moms and Dads come to celebrate with him. We had a great time.
Opening his present from Mommy and Daddy, 2 BIG tonka trucks.

You think he likes it?
Eating his lunch at the birthday party. We had Sun Chips, little sandwiches cut into fun shapes, fruit, juice box, bunnny crackers and cupcakes.
On the HIGH balance beam with Grandpa. It is about 4 Feet in the air.
Our BIG little boy. He's pretty excited about all the loot and all the friends that came to wish him a Happy Birthday. Thanks to all who made it so special.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Prince Turns 2!

Aidan is a sweet little boy that loves to hug and asks for kisses all the time. He plays hard and sleeps when he wants and eats when he wants. He especcially likes to play with trucks and cars and asks to go on walks to the pond, even on cold days. He really loves his Mama and Daddy and still does not like being without them.

I could not imagine 2 years ago that I would love something so much and enjoy being with this little person so much. God is an amazing creator and organizer of the universe because he gave us this little boy that fits right into this family. What a creation he made when he knit this little man together.

Enjoy my little flashback:

2 year check up info:
Height: 3ft, 1 1/2 inches (one Tall Boy)
Weight: 29 lbs (Praise God)
Head: BIG!

Friday, January 02, 2009

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Worn out from a long morning, "Dub-a-Dub" lays down for a little nap. The kids thought this was a great time to plant some kisses on him.

Still bleary eyed from having just woken up, Aidan rides his new "ride".

His new kitchen. Now he can really help mama cook. Thanks Granny and Grandad Doyle and Grandma Lois!

Our sweet boy.