Tuesday, February 12, 2008

1 Year Check Up

Aidan is now 13 months old. We went to se Dr. Dee Jay today for a check up and he told us that at 33 1/4" tall he is in the 99% for height and at 24 lbs. only in the 70% for weight. He's a little worried that although Aidan keeps getting taller, we has not gained weight. So along with his immunizations today we had some blood drawn to make sure he's not anemic. Aidan had never been a good eater. He is very specific about how food is given to him and prefers playing over eating anyday. So here he is, a tall skinny little thing, with 8 teeth and still trying to walk. Enjoy the pics.

I love my card and my "Hot Stuff" monkey. Thanks Gma and Gpa! Happy Valentine's Day!

His favorite food. Pears!

He can climb up and slide down all by himself now.

And one for the memory book, the Irishman's first time voting.

Aidan WALKER Doyle

Monday, February 04, 2008

Learning and Having Fun

Aidan LOVES to play on the computer. Daddy lets him climb right up and push all the buttons. Daddy was with him this time, but the other day Daddy found him being really quiet in the kitchen. He had crawled up on the chair by himself and was pushing buttons on the keyboard. We really have to be careful of what we let him do now, because he will always try it on his own.

Aidan is crazy about books. He loves flipping pages and being read to. He especially likes it when we read the story like its a song. He crawled into the bumbo all by himself and started reading.

Aidan now likes to go into rooms, close the door behind him and yell, "MOMMY!" This is him in the pantry.

At some point I am sure every mom has found their child in the tampons. Well, I got a picture of it. I am sure he will love this shot at 13. (I was there when he did this and didn't mind. It sure kept him busy while I got ready!)