Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy St. Paddy's Day

We started the day at the OC Swap Meet. We were all decked out in our green, so we got in for FREE! We needed to pick up a new suitcase for our trip to Ireland that is coming up on the 1st of April. When we were all shopped out and we had our polka dot suitcase in tow, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's. Gma decided to make rueban sandwiches for the special day instead of the same ol' corned beef and cabbage. Let me tell you, we were glad she did. We played a game of Monopoly, and then came home. We had a great day, and that night Aidan slept through the night. He fell asleep for the night at 11:30, and woke up for his next feeding at 6am, WOW! Mama was certainly happy. He is doing so well and growing so quickly. He is starting to be awake more now, so I have been experimenting with things to do. His new thing is tummy time on the boppy, he likes that for about 5 minutes. Then we try the swing, the bouncy chair, the gym, the stroller, and the baby bjiorn. If all else fails all we have to do is change his diaper. He loves being on his changing table!

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