Friday, April 13, 2007

More Pics as Promised

We're ready for Supper Granny!
Trifle and BFG (Black Forest Gatuex(?))
We forgot his hat, and he needed his head to be warm. :-)
Amy and Roisin on one of the burial mounds at Tara
Feeding the Baby in LAX
Daffodills EVERYWHERE!
In front of the statue of St. Paddy
Neil did a wonderful job cooking Easter dinner!
Amy and Darina climbing on the castle wall at Trim


Kristi said...

Looks like you guys had some great fun!! I am glad you made it there and back safely...can't wait to see our sweet little nephew again!! Great photos!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I remember all that beautiful landscape. Also, the family dinner looks yummy!