Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My First Visit to see Uncle Nathan, Auntie Kristi and Chloe

Aidan and I (Amy) hopped in the car last Thursday and drove the long 7 1/2 hours to see Nate and Kristi and Chloe in Ione, CA. Aidan did so well on the trip up there and back. It was so nice to be able to see Chloe on her 2nd birthday and introduce the cousins to each other. Chloe loved playing with anything that Aidan had to play with. Here are some pictures of our trip.

Auntie Kristi and the big boy.
Aidan is almost ready to roll over. He gets on his side like this all the time.
Chloe loved playing in the gym with Aidan.
Grandpa bought Chloe a fishing pole for her birthday. Here they are heading down to the bass pond to break it in.
Oh, a life in the country!


Anonymous said...

I like the pictures of the little cousins.
Gma Julie

Anonymous said...

nice pics
hes getting big
kev d

Anonymous said...

It is such a blessing to see the two cousins enjoying the air, insect sounds and sway of the outside swing...remember looking up at the clouds and making pictures of them on a beautiful spring day!