Sunday, December 21, 2008

A List Before Christmas

1.) Clean House
2.) Finish wrapping presents
3.) Put together presents
4.) Thaw the many items I purchased premade at Costco so I didn't have to make them.
5.) Finish preparing Christmas Eve worship service
6.) Finish preparing service for following sunday
7.) Rehearse praise band
8.) Make egg dish for christmas morning
9.) Keep up with dishes and laundry
10.) Remind myself that Aidan is 2 only once, and all this stuff is meaningless unless he knows that Christmas isn't about the above list.


Kristi said...

so true...i am with ya sister!

Nate said...

That's Rad!

Anonymous said...

Grandma Julie and Dubadub say;
We are coming on our sleigh on Tuesday. Good attitude honey!!