Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Chickens Next Door

Our Neighbors next door (Walt and Carol) have 2 chickens and 1 pidgeon. When the gate is open, all 3 of the birds come over and eat the bugs in our garden. They love to scratch the wood chips and make big holes in the yard looking for bugs. If Aidan didn't love them SO much I might have a problem with the mess, but seeing how much he loves to look at them I can deal with the little bit of cleanup. Henrietta, the black one, started laying eggs about a month ago and Walt was so kind of him to bring us some fresh eggs. They are GREAT!

Clarence (the Rhode Island Red), Henrietta and Peepers the Pidgeon. Peepers was raised by Walt and Carol from just a baby and now that he has been with the chickens so long he thinks he is one. It is so funny!

Gotta get those chickens!


Anonymous said...

I love to remember those chickens. The eggs really taste different when they are fresh...don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Very neat!!! I want chickens!! Aunt Rox