Saturday, March 29, 2008

More fun snapshots

I forgot to tell you all how talkative Aidan is. He can say Mommy, Daddy, Doggie, Ducky, Teddy, Daidan (his name), bababa (banana), wa-er (water), mio (milk) and many other things that we can't quite figure out. He talks ALL THE TIME, and LOUDLY! The kid can really project. If he doesn't know the name for something he calls it Doggie, and if he is sad it's always Mommy. If he's really sad it's "Mimi." We love that one because he says it so sad and sweet.

Anyway, here are the pictures.

Driving the car at the playground.


Again with the fantastic outfit. This is the bunny we gave him for Easter. He calls it "Teddy."

Running out the door after seeing the sprinklers.


Anonymous said...

The picture of him with the red coat and the bunny looks SO grown up. :(

G-ma Julie

Anonymous said...

Can't believe how much Aidan looks like his mummy-he is such a cutie!
Jen F