Call me all the names you want, there is no excuse for my laziness.
Here is the new blog you have all been waiting in anticipation for.
Trevor: Thank you all for praying, he is just fine. If you do not know Trevor had an incident at school the other day, he fainted on the field during an activity with the kids. The ambulance came and encouraged him to go to the hospital. The symptoms he was exhibiting were sweating, couldn't catch his breath, tightness in his chest, and tingling in his arms. So, he went to the hospital and after all his tests came back normal the Dr. still wanted to admit him to run some other tests. So... they did, and all the next day they did one EKG after another, and stress tests and blood tests, you name it. All came back perfectly fine. No one could give us a reason for his fainting. What we think happened, is what happened to Marie Osmond on Dancing with the stars. We think his asthma is worse than we thought and he fainted because he couldn't catch his breath. We have an appointment with a regular Dr. at Kaiser for some asthma testing. We'll find out more then. Other than all that drama, Trev is doing great. He started teaching a class on Thursday nights for adults (18-92!) who want to learn basic computer skills. He loves teaching the class and they love him as a teacher. And, if you don't know Trev that well, he is AWESOME at teaching "mature" students. At the Fall Festival at church he did balloon animals for almost 4 hours straight. The kids loved it and Trev had a great time.
Aidan: He is wonderful. Besides a cold he is just perfect. He loves to talk, and can now say "mama" (usually while whining), "dada", "whsat?" (we think it is what's that? because it usually comes with a quizitive look at something), "baba" and a smattering of other consonance liked with other syllables. He also loves the chickens (and the pigeon that thinks he's a chicken) that live next door. He LOVES playing outside. Going down the slide, pulling weeds with mama, taking the wood chips out of the planter, eating leaves, you know all the things a baby loves to do.
And as for me: Everything's dandy. Really no new news. I sang with the church Praise Band for the first time at the Fall Festival, and am learning lines for a small part in the Children's Christmas musical.
Enjoy the pics!
*OK, so I tried to upload the pics but Blogger is not letting me, so you'll get them tomorrow. Goodnight!